Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that addresses energetic imbalances in your body, reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep patterns, promotes relaxation and removes emotional blockages. It is a natural method of spiritual healing and self-improvement available for anyone needing this type of work. 

Reiki has been effective in helping people recover from almost any illness and works well with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to promote recovery. 

Reiki is not a religion. Overall, it allows you to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others.

Reiki practitioners and clients tend to adhere to five principles, which were first enunciated by Mikao Usui (Founder of Usui Reiki).

What are the five principles of Reiki?

  1. Just for today, I release angry thoughts.

  2. Just for today, I release thoughts of worry.

  3. Just for today, I’m grateful.

  4. Just for today, I expand my consciousness.

  5. Just for today, I’m gentle with all beings.

Who can benefit from it or who needs it?

Anyone needing healing or stress reduction will benefit greatly from this practice.

Of course, Reiki does not take the place of routine medical care. Huh Healing Hub does not diagnose conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

What can I expect in a Reiki session?

In a standard in-person treatment, Reiki energy flows from the practitioner's hands into the client, while the client is fully clothed and lays on a massage-type table. Treatments can also be given while the client is seated or standing. During the session, the practitioner places her/his hands on or near the client's body, in various positions, held for three to 10 minutes each, including positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach and feet. The beauty of Reiki is that the client will receive healing wherever their body, mind or soul needs it. You may experience physical sensations (tingling, heat/coolness, vibrational buzzing) as positive energy enters and negative energy leaves. The entire treatment lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.

What can I expect in a virtual Reiki session?

Even in what was previously known as a “distance Reiki” session, energy flows from the practitioner's hands into the subject’s body (from head to feet) wherever they are in the world. A client can experience the Reiki healing while laying down or seated. Again, you will receive the energy healing wherever your body, mind or soul needs it. You also may experience physical sensations (tingling, heat/coolness, vibrational buzzing) as positive energy enters and negative energy leaves. The entire treatment lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.

What should I do during the session?

  1. Grab some water and use the bathroom before your session so that you are able to lie down comfortably. 

  2. Let the practitioner know any specific needs before you start (if you have trouble breathing and lying flat is uncomfortable, have had surgery recently or have any specific body pain). If you are pregnant or have digestive complaints, please also inform your practitioner.

  3. You can have relaxing music of your choice playing or request treatment to be done in silence if you prefer.

  4. Keep an open mind.

How will I feel after a Reiki treatment?

People usually feel relaxed and uplifted by a Reiki treatment. Sometimes, toxins built up in the body may be released into the bloodstream as a result of the energy healing. This can lead to a feeling of tiredness, which just means your body is cleansing. Drink more water, eat lighter meals, and get some rest.

How many sessions should I receive?

A series of four sessions is a traditional recommendation as it gives you time to evaluate what benefits you are receiving from this healing practice. Speak with your practitioner to schedule the sessions to best accommodate your needs and schedule.